Welcome 6th grade students and parents to my website! This page features important information about homework, test dates, and project due dates and requirements. You will also find interesting links to websites about our current units of study. Check back regularly for updates and enjoy!

Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good luck on the MCAS!

I hope that all is going well.  I just wanted to wish all of you good luck for Thursday and Friday. 

Recipe for Success:
1.  Read everything slowly and carefully.  
2.  Highlight all of the numbers and units.  
3.  Highlight key words that tell you what to do.  
4.  Do all of your work on paper to avoid mistakes.  
5.  Take your time; you will have the whole day if you need it. 
6.  Check your answers.
7.  Do your BEST.

Don't worry if you can't remember how to do something right away.  Take some time to think about what you could do or circle the question and come back to it later.  You will do well if you work hard and try your best; you are ready for this test.  I wish you all good luck and wish that I could be there with you to offer my support.

Friday, April 27, 2012


It has been a pleasure to teach all of you.  I will miss your enthusiasm and learning from you about all sorts of things.   Thank you for all the hugs, cards, and kind wishes.  I will be sure to send a couple of postcards from earthquake city. 

As for the MCAS, you guys are ready.  Take your time, read everything carefully, highlight numbers and key words, and do all of your work on the paper.  If you do all that, you will be successful.  I will be with you in spirit.  Good luck, and make me proud. 

I will miss you.   Smiley

One final word:  Homework:
Math 6A/6B:
Properties of Polyhedra
Practice Workbook pages 139-140

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Homework 4/26

Return signed report card envelopes tomorrow!!!

Math 6A:
Circumference of a Circle
Practice Workbook pages 135-136

Science 6A/6B:
Read the "Parts of a Volcano" packet and complete all questions in the packet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homework 4/25

No new homework today, just make sure that the homework from yesterday is completed for tomorrow. 

We had a wonderful time at the Otis House!  We added to our understanding of classical architecture and identified a lot of classical elements on the buildings around Boston. 

Quick:  For a bonus point,  identify a classical element in the picture below.  (Tell me in class tomorrow.)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homework 4/24

Science 6A/6B:
Read the article, "Liquid Rocks - How Magma is Made," and answer ALL questions.

Math 6A:
Complete any remaining questions in the MCAS packet, including the open-response questions.

Math 6B:
1.  Practice Workbook page 134
2.  Complete any remaining questions in the MCAS packet, including the open-response questions.

Reminder:  Tomorrow is our field trip to the Otis House!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  It was great to see all the well-rested and smiling faces (and the fancy new hairstyles).  We are jumping right into fourth quarter with our new science unit on volcanoes, as well as some MCAS prep.  The MCAS is approaching (second week of May), but there is no reason to worry:  you are ready. 

Math 6A/6B:
Complete all multiple-choice and short-answer questions in the MCAS packet.

Science 6A/6B:
Answer all questions in the "Where Do Volcanoes Occur?" packet.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Enjoy the April vacation!!!

There is no homework for the vacation.  Enjoy the rest and have fun!  See you all in a week!
