Welcome 6th grade students and parents to my website! This page features important information about homework, test dates, and project due dates and requirements. You will also find interesting links to websites about our current units of study. Check back regularly for updates and enjoy!

Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good luck on the MCAS!

I hope that all is going well.  I just wanted to wish all of you good luck for Thursday and Friday. 

Recipe for Success:
1.  Read everything slowly and carefully.  
2.  Highlight all of the numbers and units.  
3.  Highlight key words that tell you what to do.  
4.  Do all of your work on paper to avoid mistakes.  
5.  Take your time; you will have the whole day if you need it. 
6.  Check your answers.
7.  Do your BEST.

Don't worry if you can't remember how to do something right away.  Take some time to think about what you could do or circle the question and come back to it later.  You will do well if you work hard and try your best; you are ready for this test.  I wish you all good luck and wish that I could be there with you to offer my support.