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Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fabulous Body Facts 8

Did you know that:
1.  A single brain cell can communicate with as many as 25,000 other cells at one time?
2.  Waking up to a beeping alarm clock traumatizes the nervous system and can lead to heart attacks in susceptible people?  Soft music on a clock radio is a safer alternative.
3.  Your heart pumps 3,600 gallons (13,623 liters) of blood in one day?
4.  Your body makes 10 billion white blood cells every day?
5.  Another word for white blood cell is macrophage, which means "big eater"?  This refers to the fact that white cells absorb harmful bacteria.
6.  In a human, the only cells without a nucleus are the red blood cells?
7.  There are about five million red blood cells in a tiny droplet of blood?
8.  It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circulate through the whole body?
9.  A red blood cell has a lifespan of about 120 days?
10.  Every square inch of human skin contains about 20 feet (6 m) of blood vessels?
11.  Average humans have 93,000 miles of blood vessels in their body?
12.  It takes about six months for a toenail, and three months for a fingernail, to grow from the base to the tip?

Bonus point question:  Why do we call the chicken pox the "chicken" pox, when it did not come from chickens?