Welcome 6th grade students and parents to my website! This page features important information about homework, test dates, and project due dates and requirements. You will also find interesting links to websites about our current units of study. Check back regularly for updates and enjoy!

Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homework 1/17

Math 6A/6B:
Multiplying Decimals - Worksheet (both sides)

Science 6A/6B:
If you are making a model for the project, please bring in any materials which you think you might need for tomorrow's class work period. 

Here is the project description, in case you left it at school.

Project – Travelling Inside Earth

You are now an engineer working for Fuezery Earth Corporation.  You are in charge of designing their new line of “Earth-Travel” vehicles.  Your goal is to draw or build a vehicle that can take 2 scientists to the center of the Earth.  (You may have to invent some new materials in order to do so.)  Don’t forget to include some scientific instruments so that the scientists can record important information about their trip!

Your job:
1)  Draw the outside of the vehicle that will travel to the center of the Earth.  You must have a GOOD SCIENTIFIC REASON for everything that appears on your drawing.  “It looks cool,” is not a good enough reason!!!


1)  Build a model of the outside of the vehicle that will travel to the center of the Earth.  You must have a GOOD SCIENTIFIC REASON for everything that is part of your model.  “It looks cool,” is not a good enough reason!!!

2)  Label all the important parts of your project.  (If you are making a model, you may have to glue these on, or attach them in some other way.)

3)  On a sheet of paper or index cards, explain why you included each part of your vehicle, giving GOOD SCIENTIFIC REASONS. 

Sample sentence starters:
On my vehicle, there is a ________________, because...
I included ____________________ because...
The scientists will need to ___________________, so I have included…

Due date:  Monday, Jan. 23, 2012