Welcome 6th grade students and parents to my website! This page features important information about homework, test dates, and project due dates and requirements. You will also find interesting links to websites about our current units of study. Check back regularly for updates and enjoy!

Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homework 10/6

Classroom News:  If any of you drink Poland Springs water, please save the caps and bring them in to school with you.  Isabela is collecting them for a very good cause.  Pass the word along, and let's see how many we can get to help out. 

Math 6B:
1.  Solving Addition Equations
     Practice Workbook page 161 # 1 - 12
2.  Go online and practice solving addition equations using the algebra balance scales we saw in class.  
     Click here for the Algebra Balance Scales
3.  Get math test signed and return to school Tuesday.

Science 6B:
Complete the three questions about joint movement found on the last page of your skeletal system packet.

Science 6A:
Read "The Skeletal System" article.  Then answer all questions found on pages 1-3 of the packet.  Do not do page 4 (the last page about joints).

One last word:  I just had to post a smiley in honor of Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple, who passed away yesterday. 

Have a great long weekend!