Welcome 6th grade students and parents to my website! This page features important information about homework, test dates, and project due dates and requirements. You will also find interesting links to websites about our current units of study. Check back regularly for updates and enjoy!

Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Homework 3/2

Math 6A:
Adding/Subtracting Fractions
Practice Workbook pages 77 AND 79

Math 6B:
Adding/Subtracting Fractions
Practice Workbook pages 77-80

Science 6A/6B:
Broken Plate Assignment
*Here are the instructions, just in case you have forgotten what you need to do:
1.  Color in each plate (each plate should be a different color).
2.  Carefully cut out each plate puzzle piece.
3.  Put the plates together to form a map of the world.
4.  Glue the plates down onto a white piece of paper.
5.  Label each plate using the word box included at the bottom of the page and/or the map found in your research packet. 

Have a good weekend!