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Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kilauea erupts in Hawaii on March 6th!

Thank you to Luis who brought this eruption to our attention.  A crater near Kilauea collapsed, causing a new vent to form.  What you will see in the photos and video is a fissure vent that is expanding and is now almost a third of a mile long.  A fissure vent is simply a linear volcanic vent (forms a line) through which lava erupts, usually without any explosive activity.  The vent is usually a few meters long and may be many kilometers long.

Here is a link to the PlanetSave website, which has some great photos and information about the eruption.
Kilauea Eruption Photographs

And here is a link to video showing the eruption, posted by the Guardian, a UK news website.
Kilauea Eruption Video


Pictures from: http://planetsave.com/2011/03/08/hawaiian-volcano-kilauea-eruption-images/