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Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fabulous Body Facts 1

Did you know that:
1.  Every square inch of the human body has about 19 million skin cells?
2.  Every hour about 1 billion cells in the human body must be replaced?
3.  The average human head has about 100,000 hairs?

4.  Hair is so strong that each hair can withstand the strain of 100 grams (3.5 ounces)?
     An average head of hair could hold 10-15 tons if only the scalp was strong enough!
5.  Hair has the highest rate of mitosis (cell division). An average hair grows 0.3 mm a day and 1 cm per month?

For a bonus point on your next test, answer the following question:
Why does hair turn gray?