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Argenziano School Focus: I read to understand. I write to be understood. Vocabulary shows me the way.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fabulous Body Facts 3

No homework today.  I am including the link to the video we watched about the muscles today (6B; 6A will see it tomorrow), in case you wanted to see it again. 

Fun video about the muscles

Here are some interesting facts about the muscles.  Enjoy!

1.  There are more than 600 muscles in the body.
2.  You need 72 muscles to speak.
3.  A pound of muscle burns 75-100 calories a day just by "being". 
4.  The tongue is the strongest muscle.
5.  The group of muscles that work together to blink your eye are the fastest muscles in your body.  They enable you to blink up to 5 times a second.  On average, you blink 15,000 times daily.  Women blink twice as often as men.
6.  The gluteus maximus (your butt muscle) is the largest muscle in your body.
7.  Your hand contains 20 different muscles.
8.  Muscles account for approximately 40% of your body weight.
9.  You take approximately 5 million steps per year using your leg muscles.
10.  You have all the muscle you will ever have at birth.

Bonus Point Question:  How many muscles does it take to smile?  How many does it take to frown?